Thầy Minh Thành

Tet in the Northwest Video

Có một người Phật tử đã thâu phim cảnh chùa hòi năm ngoái Tét 2010 và đã upload lên Youtube. Mỏi lần vào mùa xuân Tét, mấy thầy rất là bận rộn vì lo những việc trong chùa nên không được thấy cảnh Tét như sao. Nhưng nhờ có quý vị quay phim hay chợp hình cảnh chùa và cho mấy thầy thấy tất cả đều hoan hỉ đi lễ cúng các chư Phật và chư Bồ tát đón Tét đầu năm, mấy thầy rất là vui vể trong lòng, thành thật cảm ơn. Mọi lần đi chùa, nhớ quay nhiều phim và chợp hình để share với mấy thầy nhe.

This video was from last year’s Lunar New Year 2010. It was recorded by one of our temple members and they were nice enough to let us post it here. When seeing the smiles on people’s faces, people tirelessly walk up and down the hill to pray in front of all of the Buddha and Bodhisattva statues, and enjoying the new year celebration, it gives us a reminder of why we built this temple and why we put so much effort into what we do. When we are busy working in the temple during a ceremony, we rarely get to see what everyone else sees and so when we get to watch videos like this, it makes us very happy. Thanks for recording and uploading this!

Chinese New Years 2011

As you all may know, Chinese New Years is coming up and this year Dia Tang Temple for the first time ever will be open at night on the day before Lunar New Years which falls on 2/2/2011. We have finally finished installing all of the proper lighting at the temple and so we decided to open it up this year. However, please be careful while driving up because Filbert Road is still very dark and dangerous at night. The temple will also be open on the first 3 days of the new years which falls on the days 2/3/2011 – 2/5/2011. It will be extremely crowded and so we would like to apologize ahead of time for any troubles in parking or delays in shuttling you to the temple.

New Years Schedule

February 2, 2011
9:00 pm: Temple opens
11:30 pm – 12:00 am: Flower offering to the Buddha and a few words from the head monk
12:00 am – 2:00 am: New Years Ceremony
3:00 am: Temple close

February 3-5, 2011 (Lunar New Year Day 1, 2, 3)
9:00 am: Temple opens
6:00 pm: Temple close

On behalf of the monks at Dia Tang Temple, I would like to wish everybody a happy and prosperous new year and may all be safe under the protection of the Buddha and bodhisattvas.

New Website Design

So I finally got around to redesigning the site. It’s been awhile and I have been busy, but now it’s finally up! Let me know what I can do to improve your browsing experience or if you think you can help improve it. Any suggestions is appreciated. I’m a software engineer at heart, so I have really bad taste for web design and also terrible at anything that involves creativity.