Địa Tạng Viên Quang Tự (Ksitigarbha Temple)
1705 Filbert Road
Lynnwood, WA 98036
You can use this Google Maps to get turn by turn directions from your house
We are only opened during ceremonies. We greatly apologize for any inconveniences.
Going on I-5 North
1. Go onto I-5 North
2. Take exit 181B
3. Turn right on 196th Street SW
4. Continue on Filbert Rd
5. The temple should be on your left.
Going on I-5 South
1. Go onto I-5 South
2. Take exit 181 East
3. Bear right onto 196th Street SW
4. Continue on Filbert Rd
5. The temple should be on your left.
Going on I-405 North
1. Go onto I-405 North
2. Take exit 26 to merge onto WA-527 N (Bothell/Everett Hwy) toward Mill Creek
3. Turn left at 208th St SE
4. Continue on Filbert Rd for about 2 miles
5. The temple should be on your right.